Prayer & Liturgy is vital to the spiritual life of St Edmund Arrowsmith High School. We recognise its impact on the spiritual, moral and social development of our pupils and value it as a part of our distinctive ethos. All staff, under the guidance of the Chaplain and the Senior Leadership Team, actively take part in all areas of collective worship in our school which is something we are very proud of and hope to continue into the future. Here are some of the ways in which we worship together as a school community in addition to all our Masses and Services (which can be found under the heading ‘Liturgical Life’).  

Prayer and Liturgy Policy

Collective Worship Assembly

We have Collective Worship Assemblies happening every day for all our pupils. Once a week they will gather together as a year group to pray during assembly where reflections and prayer on the theme of the previous Sundays Gospel are explored – this is to ensure that all pupils hear the Word of the Lord in the liturgical order and so that those who do not go to Mass, don’t miss out on the important teachings in the Gospels.


Thought for the Week

Whilst pupils are in form rooms (not in assembly), they will pray together with something known as ‘Thought for the Week’ which looks at key issues and themes throughout the year. For example, Anti-bullying, Remembrance, Significance, Climate Change. During TFTW, pupils will engage in Catholic Social Teaching and learn about the Catholic Church’s position on key topics in popular culture.


Our Collective Worship Rota

Below is our year group Collective Worship Assembly Rota. As you can see, each week is the responsibility of a different form/department/individual with a different theme each week (based on the previous Sunday’s Gospel). This ensures that everyone in our school is involved in planning and delivering collective worship at least once throughout the year!

Below you will also find a link to our guidance on structuring Collective Worship and our Prayer & Liturgy Policy

Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer of the church is said daily in the school Chapel. All staff and students are welcome to attend. During Morning Prayer, we follow the Church’s calendar and celebrate the lives of saints and ordinary days as well as having various special Morning Prayer liturgies during certain times of the year. In October and May we pray the Rosary and during Lent and Advent we have special liturgies in the school entrance gathered around a focal display or prayer corner.

Spirituality Lessons

Every Key Stage 3 pupil gets the opportunity to deepen their understanding of their faith in one Spirituality lesson per half term either in the Chapel, off site or in RE lessons with Maria the Chaplain. During these lessons, there is an element of worshipping together as the lesson focuses on scripture, shared experience and collective prayer. Unlike a normal RE lesson, the aim of a Spirituality lesson is to develop in faith rather than learn about faith and so is a vital part of what we offer at St Edmund Arrowsmith.

Collective Worship Documents

St Oswald's Church:  For the most recent newsletters from St Oswald and St Edmund Arrowsmith Parish, please click onto the Parish Facebook Page via the link below:-  

Parish Facebook Feed-see below…. (



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