Our PTA needs you!!
Are you able to spare any time to help our current PTA volunteers?
We need fundraising ideas and volunteers who will bring energy and enthusiasm to help to raise money for equipment that will help our students and our school building.
The PTA would love to welcome current/former parents and pupils who will help and spend a few hours a term to make tea/coffee at parents' evenings, etc and possibly other projects that will raise money - maybe a Summer BBQ or Christmas Fayre?!
If you would like to find out more information, please contact the School Business Manager,
Mrs S Chapman via email: SChapman@arrowsmith.wigan.sch.uk.
If you can't give the time to join the PTA - maybe you would like to sign up for the PTA 200 Club?
A new netball kit for our netball team was very welcome!
New canopies were purchased for the school yard, to provide a pleasant outdoor area for the students to eat their lunch or socialise.
There is more information on the PTA 'X' Page: @SEACHPTA , but there hasn't been a great deal of fundraising activity lately!
Maybe YOU could be the change that's needed?!!
PTA Documents
Can you help our PTA to raise vital funds for the school?
Please click on the link to join the Easy fundraising site: https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/st-edmund-arrowsmith-catholic-high-school-pta
Shop at over 8,100 shops and sites: You’ll find big name retailers here like John Lewis, Amazon, Tesco, Currys, Asda, Iceland, eBay and Apple, all ready to help you raise more for your cause when you shop with them. All purchases using this site raises money for our school!

Many thanks for your support - all funds raised by the PTA are used to help the students and the school!
Our PTA needs you!!
Are you able to spare any time to help our current PTA volunteers?
We need fundraising ideas and volunteers who will bring energy and enthusiasm to help to raise money for equipment that will help our students and our school building.
The PTA would love to welcome current/former parents and pupils who will help and spend a few hours a term to make tea/coffee at parents' evenings, etc and possibly other projects that will raise money - maybe a Summer BBQ or Christmas Fayre?!
If you would like to find out more information, please contact the School Business Manager,
Mrs S Chapman via email: SChapman@arrowsmith.wigan.sch.uk.
If you can't give the time to join the PTA - maybe you would like to sign up for the PTA 200 Club?
A new netball kit for our netball team was very welcome!
New canopies were purchased for the school yard, to provide a pleasant outdoor area for the students to eat their lunch or socialise.
There is more information on the PTA 'X' Page: @SEACHPTA , but there hasn't been a great deal of fundraising activity lately!
Maybe YOU could be the change that's needed?!!
PTA Documents
Can you help our PTA to raise vital funds for the school?
Please click on the link to join the Easy fundraising site: https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/st-edmund-arrowsmith-catholic-high-school-pta
Shop at over 8,100 shops and sites: You’ll find big name retailers here like John Lewis, Amazon, Tesco, Currys, Asda, Iceland, eBay and Apple, all ready to help you raise more for your cause when you shop with them. All purchases using this site raises money for our school!
Many thanks for your support - all funds raised by the PTA are used to help the students and the school!