Please note: Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.


GCSE Headline Figures: 

  2019 2018 2017 2022 2023
Progress 8 - 0.07 0.05 0.04 0.14
Attainment 8 52.30 53.34 52.36 52.17 49.68
Basic Measure
(9-5 in English & Maths)
47.7% 52.0% 47.7% 52.9% 50.4
Basic Measure
(9-4 in English & Maths)
78.5% 76.9% 71.1% 80.2% 74.0
EBacc 30.8% 32.8% 35.3% 21.9% 36.5
Staying in Education or Entering Employment - 100% 100% 100% 100%

DfE School Performance Tables:

To view the DfE School Performance Tables, Click Here.


Subject Specific Results 2023:

GCSE 9-1 % 9-4 % 9-7
Art 93.9 34.7
Computer Science 73.1 19.2
Dance 66.7 20.
Design and Technology 75.4 21.1
Drama 57.9 5.3
English Language 79.2 18.6
English Literature 78 18.4
Food & Nutrition 78 14.6
French 62.7 5.9
Geography 76.7 35.6
History 65.8 26.3
Mathematics 78.8 26.1
Music 89.5 31.6
PE 76.2 28.6
Photography 87.5 37.5
Religious Education 65.5 20.6
Science Combined 61.9 3.7
Science: Biology 94.2 37.9
Science: Chemistry 89.2 28.4
Science: Physics 93.2 35.9
Spanish 71.8 12.9

Technical Awards

% L2D*-L2P % L2D*-L2D
Children's Learning 0 60
Health & Social Care 17.4 69.6
I-Media 27.9 67.4
Music Tech 80 100
Sports Studies 12.5 82.5

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