At St Edmund Arrowsmith Catholic High school, our aim is to provide an environment for learning that is safe, supportive, caring and encourages life-long learning. We believe that every child is uniquely talented and we seek to provide a curriculum which meets the needs of all our children. In KS3, pupils follow the National Curriculum for all subjects and learning time is 25 hours per week with an alternating 2 week timetable. On admission to St. Edmund Arrowsmith, pupils are placed into mixed ability form groups. During Year 7 pupils are set by ability in English, Maths and Modern foreign languages, taught in form groups for Religious education, Art, Computing, Geography, History, PE and Technology and are in mixed ability groups for Drama, Music and Science, combining children from different forms. Special arrangements are made for those requiring learning support in all year groups.

In Years 8 & 9 pupils are placed in ability sets for all subject areas except Art, Drama, Music and Technology where mixed ability groups continue. Throughout KS3 pupils follow an extensive curriculum for Personal Social & Health Education, Careers education and Citizenship which is delivered in a variety of ways.

In Years 10 & 11, English Literature, English Language, Maths, Double Science, Religious Education, Personal Social & Health Education, Careers, Citizenship and PE form the core curriculum for all pupils.

Pupils are able to study 4 additional subjects through the options process in Year 9 and these include; Art, Computing, Drama, Food & Nutrition, French, Geography, History, ICT, Music, Music Technology, PE, Performing Arts (Dance), Performing Arts (Drama), Spanish, Technology (CAD/CAM), Technology (Graphics), Technology (Textiles), Technology (Resistant Materials) and Triple Science. Some pupils will use one of their option choices to study the EMEC course to improve their learning in English and Maths and a small number of pupils each year study vocational courses.

Please use the link to our options page for further information about any of the subjects listed above. Information regarding the number of lessons in each subject for both key stages can be found under the Key stage 3 curriculum map and Key stage 4 curriculum map tabs on the left.


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