Welcome to Year 10 from Mrs T Chadwick, Director of Learning

Year 10 is an excellent opportunity for pupils to put into practice the skills developed throughout Key Stage 3 in preparation for their GCSE courses. Although year 10 can be a challenging year with many changes and higher expectations, pupils have the opportunity to take responsibility for their own learning, become more independent in terms of study skills and immerse themselves into their option choices, in some cases experiencing an entirely new subject. 

The year 10 pastoral curriculum allows pupils to discuss issues that in society such as anti-social behaviour and well-being. Pupils then go on to look at the process of creating a CV and personal statement, discussing their unique selling point and discussing how to be prepared for interview which they will benefit from in preparation for mock interviews in year 11. As year 10 is a very crucial year academically, during Form Time pupils will discuss how to cope with exam pressure in preparation for the year 10 exams towards the end of the year.

The career’s programme ensures that year 10 feel “good to go”. Building on how they were “standing out from the crowd” in year 9, year 10 should be thinking about what future steps they will take when they finish their St Edmund Arrowsmith journey and what attributes and skills they can bring to this. All year 10 pupils will complete a work-place challenge to deepen their knowledge about the working world. They will have the opportunity to discuss their experiences on Review Day. Pupils will also attend some college taster days which will give them an insight into college life and how it differs from high school.

During the year, pupils have many opportunities to develop and display their leadership skills. Pupils have the opportunity to be a mentor to year 7 pupils, welcoming and supporting them as they begin high-school life. Pupils can also apply for the Duke of Edinburgh award, building on their leadership and group work skills, which they tackle with enthusiasm.

Pupils also have the opportunity to apply for the role of prefect. This is an exciting way in which pupils can develop their leadership skills even further. This allows pupils to take on more responsibility and set a good example for younger year groups. “Shadow prefects” will initially be chosen by form tutors in order to cover year 11 during their mock exam period. Pupils will have the opportunity to apply for the role in term 2. Selected pupils will receive training for this role and be supported by their pastoral team.

Year 10 is a very important year for pupils in which we hope that they embrace the new challenges of GCSE life as well as thinking about their next steps for the future.


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