Work Place Challenge

Focus: Students will arrange to visit a work place

Brief outline of activities: Students will be issued with a Work Place Challenge booklet to complete. Students will contact a local employer and ask for a tour of the work place, find out what local opportunities (Apprenticeships/Full time jobs) are available in the work place and the skills and qualities that the employer would value.

Learning Objectives:

1.To have a meaningful experience of a workplace

2.To understand the context in which the students could one day be working

3.To have a meaningful encounter with a local employer.

Here are some examples of employers:

  • Nurseries, Schools and Colleges.
  • Shops, Stores and wholesalers.
  • Police Stations and Prisons.
  • Call Centres.
  • Law and Accountancy offices.
  • Banks and Insurance offices.
  • Hospitals, Care Homes and Health Centres.
  • Hairdressers and Beauty Salons.
  • Hotels and Restaurants.
  • Airports.
  • Doctors and Dental Surgeries.
  • Engineering sites.
  • Sports Centres, Football Academies and Tennis Centres.
  • Garages, Tyre Fitters and Car Sales.
  • Construction trades - Joiner, Plasterer, Painter and Decorator.
  • Farms, Sea-life, Guide Dog Association and Livery yards

Work Place Challenge Documents and Information


Workplace Challenge Testimonials and Witness Statements

Erin F - Wigan Athletic Media Experience

The Workplace Challenge is a great opportunity as it allows you to gain valuable work experience for the future. For my Workplace challenge I had the opportunity to watch the Wigan Athletic v Sutton United game from the perspective of a sports journalist. The evening allowed me to get the chance to ask a couple of questions to a Sky Sports commentator so I could get an idea into the life of a sports journalist. This event also involved me having the opportunity to sit in the press seats where I could make notes on the game in order to compile and write a match day report. My workplace challenge was an amazing experience as it allowed me to see what this job role involved. I have walked away with some valuable tips and skills that I can use to help me in the future in any working environment. This challenge can help you explore any possible career aspirations and allow you to see if this is something you possibly want to do in the future. 

Shaun U - UCLAN (School of Pharmacy) 

For my workplace experience I went into a university and helped in a class.  The subject was pharmacy which I didn’t realise I has an interest in until after I helped teach it to students 10 years older than me, something else I didn’t think that I would be able to do!  This opportunity was a real insight for me and although it was only day it gave me a taste of what working was like, as well as enticing an interest in me of something new.

A person standing in a parking lotDescription automatically generated with medium confidenceBenjamin P - Sellafield Ltd (Young Nuclear Design Engineers)

For my workplace challenge, I applied for a one-week work experience at Sellafield Ltd, a nuclear engineering company. I received an email saying my application had been accepted and that I was able to take part in the experience at their offices in Warrington. Over the week, I learned about the four types of engineering: process, mechanical, electrical and civil. This was supported by engineers who had recently graduated from university. The week concluded with a presentation that myself and the others on the work experience were asked to prepare. I found the week very informative through learning about different types of engineering. As well as this, I was able to meet new people and improve my team working skills by working collaboratively on group tasks.


Katie W 10A - Solicitors Co-op

‘In the afternoon I went to the law department where I looked at the kinds of things the co-op law department looked at and took part in activities that are given to trainee employers and people going for interviews at the co-op.’

‘I was so worried Katie would be overloaded by all the information I had to give her. She was very motivated and we need good people like her coming into the profession. I was really impressed with Katie’s participation and how well she did with the tasks given to her. People further along their lawyer carrier don’t do as well as Katie did today’.

-Samantha Wright (Solicitor at Co-op legal department)

Cameron R 10G - Taylor Wimpey

‘Taylor Wimpey offers paid apprenticeships across different areas of the business: site manager, carpentry, bricklaying, plumbing and many more. The apprenticeships involve both classroom learning and hands-on experience ensuring that you will be offered a permanent opportunity following the studies.’

Witness Statement

‘Cameron contacted me to arrange an appointment, so he could complete his work place challenge. We toured the show area and building site. He gained an understanding of the construction and sales process and work place opportunities.’

-Taylor Wimpey – Kath Belshaw (sales executive)

Adam J 10H - Sewtec Automation Ltd

‘I spoke to machinist called Glenn and he explained how they program the machine via the CNC interface to create the part. It looked very complicated but Glenn assured me that the process is straight forward and with a little training, I could machine my own part. Unfortunately, I did not get chance to do this but I am hoping that I can in the summer when I am allowed to go back for further work experience’

‘After spending some time in the assembly hall, I went to meet some of the mechanical designers. I met Paul who had worked at the company for over 25 years and started initially on a placement from university. He gained better understanding of engineering during his placement, he went back to university to finish his studies and to become qualified as a mechanical engineer.’

Witness Statement

‘We were delighted to understand that Adam wishes to continue his education at college before entering into an apprenticeship. To encourage this, we have offered Adam a further 1 week’s work experience over the summer holiday. He will work alongside on of our mechanical fitters as a fitter’s mate. This can be a very demanding role as our fitters are always under pressures and time constraints. We are confident that Adam can perform his tasks to the best of his abilities and trust that he has a willingness to learn.’

-Mark Atkins- Head of business Support

Matthew M-G 10L - Lloyds Bank

‘In order to be employed at th-e work place many skills and qualities are required. The employer values people with very good communication skills, analytical skills, high quality maths skills and someone who shows attention to detail. The qualities that are required of the employee include being polite and courteous, punctual and having an almost perfect attendance rate.’

Witness Statement

‘Matthew was very polite at all times during the visit. He asked lots of questions and was very interested in the whole bank environment. He spent time across a number of job roles and was keen to know more around the role of financial advice and how this helps to try and secure people’s future lives.’

-Lloyds Banking Group

Jessica J 10L - Pyroguard

‘The company account talked to me about the route he took to becoming an accountant. At college he took A-Level maths, business studies and geography. He then went to the University of Manchester and studied a maths degree. The three accountants in the financial department all took different routes. I plan on doing A-Level maths and becoming an accountants apprentice during university.’

Witness Statement

'Jess visited Pyroguard’s Haydock Head Office. We talked for over an hour about my role and what day to day work entails. Jess was enthusiastic and asked a series of insightful questions.’

-Gregory Yates (group accountant)



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