Pupils raise their hands in class.

We value our working partnership with parents and, as a church school, we see our role as being that of an extension of the family. We greatly appreciate the support and back-up given to us by parents and we welcome their involvement in many aspects of school life.

This section of the website lists all the factual information current and prospective parents may find useful, from how to apply for a place for your child at St.Edmund Arrowsmith  through to travelling to school, term dates and the uniform code. We would also encourage parents to access the ‘Parent View’ OFSTED page which provides you with the opportunity to give views on the school which will be included in our next inspection.

We hope in these pages you will find all of the information that you need to help your child’s progress and journey during their time at St.Edmund Arrowsmith Catholic High School. If you need further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us:

01942 728651 or office@arrowsmith.wigan.sch.uk






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