The choice to have your child educated in a faith school is an extremely important one and tells us that you wish the values of the Catholic Church to play a major part in their life.

Every pupil here at St Edmund Arrowsmith High School, therefore, receives Religious Education lessons from Years 7-11, studying the subject at GCSE level in Key Stage 4. As Pope St John Paul II said; Religious Education is the "core of the core curriculum" in a Catholic school and we truly believe this.

In addition to formal lessons, students engage in the following things that help reinforce our Spiritual focus and Catholic ethos; form prayers known as Thought for the Week, weekly assemblies known as Collective Worship, class Masses or services, whole school Masses and services, daily Morning Prayer, spirituality lessons and much more!

Active chaplaincy and Faith in Action groups help to take our faith out into our local community where we encourage pupils to put their faith and beliefs into action and strive to make the world a better place.

We hope that this section of the website provides you with all the information you need, but if we can help in any way further or you wish to get in touch, please don’t hesitate to contact us in the following ways:

Chaplain: Mrs Maria Ruane:

Head of RE: Mrs Emma Hooton:


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