St Edmund Arrowsmith Catholic High School has the duty to ensure every child, regardless of ability or background, is given the opportunity to progress and achieve their full potential. This duty reflects our Catholic values and underpins every aspect of the education we provide for our students.
We use the Pupil Premium funding to further existing provisions and to introduce new strategies for students identified as socially disadvantaged. The interventions we action aim to reduce the gap between the attainment made by Pupil Premium students and their peers.
Background to the National Strategy
Pupil premium funding was first allocated to schools in 2012-13. Schools are allocated extra funding according to pupil numbers of Ever 6 Free School Meals pupils, Post Looked After students and services children. Click here for more information: Pupil premium: overview - GOV.UK (
School leaders must assess the needs of pupil premium students and use the funding to improve attainment. Evidence suggests that pupil premium spending is most effective when schools use a three-tiered approach. St Edmund Arrowsmith Catholic High School calls this the SEA WAVES approach and our aim is to provide holistic support which supports pupils to thrive spiritually, socially and academically.
Intent statement for our pupil premium students
At St Edmund Arrowsmith we intend that all pupils experience an appropriate, broad and balanced curriculum which allows them to leave the school with the necessary knowledge, skills and spiritual and emotional development to lead happy, successful lives. By supporting excellent attendance and enabling access to necessary resources, quality teaching in all areas, enhanced literacy and numeracy improvement programmes and the school’s learning champion strategy, we intend that the Pupil Premium cohort will progress in-line with or better than their non-Pupil Premium Peers. The school’s s bespoke data monitoring for Pupil Premium pupils and joined up approach to pastoral care mean that all Pupil Premium children receive the support that they need to achieve.
Our Strategy
Wave 1: Involves funding universal approaches to ensuring excellent attendance by all pupils and raising the attainment of all students by ensuring a quality curriculum delivered by highly trained professionals with strong expertise.
Wave 2: Involves funding targeted approaches to promoting good progress in the form of enhanced literacy and numeracy learning opportunities for pupils who are identified as warranting additional support.
Wave 3: Involves funding the staffing of professionals to offer academic, motivational, emotional or well-being support to the pupil premium individuals who most need some extra assistance. Our dedicated team of LDLs work alongside the pastoral support teams to lead and guide students on their educational journeys. Additionally, any resource needs that are identified are addressed in order to remove all possible barriers to learning.
The Impact
Pupil premium students are closely tracked at the school’s data points throughout the year. Outliers are identified and support is put in place to address issues with attendance, attitude or progress.
Pupil Premium 2025-2028
For further information about how funding has been used in previous years please refer to the website: Pupil Premium & Catch Up | St Edmund Arrowsmith Catholic High School
Free school meals, pupil premium, and EYPP
Click on the link for Wigan Council's FSM/EYPP Website
- Free school meals - Save your household up to £418 a year per child
- Pupil premium – Get £1300 for your child’s school to improve education
- Early years pupil premium (EYPP) – over £300 for your child’s early years and childcare provider to improve provision
Can my child get free school meals, pupil premium or EYPP?
You should claim your Free School meals from the local authority where you live and not from the local authority that the school is based.
Nursery - pre-school
If your child is aged 2, 3 or 4 years old and is attending a maintained nursery class or nursery school all day and you or your partner are in receipt of one of the qualifying benefits your child could be eligible for free school meals.
Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) is additional funding for early years settings to improve the education they provide for 3 and 4 year olds whose parents are in receipt of qualifying benefits or for children who are looked after or have previously been looked after children.
Infants - Reception, Years 1 and 2
All children get free school meals if they are in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.
If you or your partner receive one of the qualifying benefits you can apply for pupil premium to get extra money for your child’s school.
Older Children - Year 3 to Year 11
Your child is eligible for free school meals if you or your partner receive one of the qualifying benefits.
When making your application you are also applying for the pupil premium for your child’s school.
Students in Further Education
If your child is aged between 16 and 18 and is attending a further education funded institution you will be entitled to claim free meals if you or your partner receive one of the qualifying benefits.
Students who turn 19 during their studies will remain eligible for a free meal until the end of the academic year in which they turn 19 or to the end of their study programme, whichever is sooner.
There is no pupil premium for further education.
What are the qualifying benefits?
You will be entitled to apply for free school meals and/or pupil premium for your child if you or your partner receive one or more of the following benefits:
- Universal Credit (see information on new eligibility criteria below)
- Income Support
- Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- The guaranteed part of State Pension Credit
- Support under part 6 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- Child Tax Credit (providing you are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190, as assessed by the Inland Revenue)
- Working Tax Credit run-on (paid 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit)
Apply for free school meals, pupil premium and EYPP
When you apply you will get an instant decision on your claim. We will contact the school to confirm your child’s eligibility.
If your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 and you or your partner are in receipt of qualifying benefits you should still complete the application for pupil premium online because your child’s school will receive an extra £1300 per year.
New eligibility criteria - Universal Credit
From 1st April 2018, the Department for Education made amendments to the eligibility criteria for free school meals to reflect the roll out of Universal Credit full service.
From this date onwards your child will only be eligible for free schools meals under Universal Credit if you and your partner have net earned income of less than £7,400 per year (assessed from up to three of your most recent assessment periods).
The Universal Credit rollout is currently expected to be completed by March 2025.
However in the meantime, transitional protections will be implemented for those children who might otherwise lose free school meals following the update to the eligibility criteria.
The transitional protections will be awarded as follows:
- Any child who is in receipt of free school meals BEFORE 1 April 2018, will continue to receive free school meals whilst Universal Credit is rolled out (until March 2025) regardless of any changes in you or your partners income
- Any child who gains eligibility for free school meals AFTER 1 April 2018 will continue to receive free school meals whilst Universal Credit is rolled out (until March 2025) regardless of any changes in you or your partners income
Once Universal Credit is fully rolled out any existing children who no longer meet the eligibility criteria at that point will continue to receive free school meals until the end of their current phase of education, ie primary or secondary.
What is the pupil premium?
The pupil premium is extra funding for your child’s education. It is provided by the government and is normally claimed as part of free school meals if you or your partner are in receipt of one of the qualifying benefits.
Your child’s school will receive £1300 per pupil for six years to support your child’s education including help with the cost of school trips, teaching assistant staff and after school programs (see individual schools websites).
What happens if my circumstances change?
You must tell us straight away if you move out of Wigan Borough even if your child remains at the same school.
Home to School Travel
SEND Travel Assistance Applications 2025/2026 Click on the link to access Wigan Council's Home to School Website
Children moving from Year 6 to Year 7 - The closing date for applications for travel assistance for children moving from Year 6 to secondary school is Sunday 23rd March 2025.
Children moving from Early Years to Primary School - The closing date for applications for travel assistance for children moving from Early Year (nursery) to primary school is Sunday 27th April 2025.
If your child is moving to a new school, you MUST reapply for transport.
Any applications that are submitted after these dates will not be guaranteed to have a travel assistance offer in place for the start on the academic year 2025/26.
Please note that these deadlines are for SEND Travel Assistance applications and not free school travel passes (bus pass).
Children attending mainstream schools
We provide free school travel passes to pupils if:
- They live more than 3 miles from the nearest available school (regardless of faith), they must attend this school in order to be eligible for the pass
- They are from a low income family and attend one of the three nearest schools of the same faith, this must be over the statutory walking distance which is 2 miles from home to school.
Low income families are classed as those who:
- Get the full amount of working tax credit or other forms of benefits such as ESA, JSA or income support
- Have children who get free school meals.
If your child is eligible, please complete our online Travel Pass application form. We will aim to get back to you within 10 working days. Please note that your waiting time may be longer during busy periods.
The deadline for submitting a Free School Travel Pass Application for 2025/2026 is Sunday 1st June 2025. You will be able to submit an application after this deadline, but if eligible, you may not receive a travel pass in time for the start of the academic year.
Faith schools
If you are considered low income and your child goes to a faith school, they may be able to get a free school travel pass if they live in a parish belong to that school.
Our list of parishes and the schools they belong to will help you decide if this applies to you.
If you think that your child may be eligible for a free school travel pass, please contact us by filling in our Travel Pass application form.
College travel
If you attend full time courses at college or sixth form, you may be eligible for a reimbursement of up to £50 per academic year if you meet certain criteria. The criteria can be found in the Post 16 Transport Policy.
School buses, routes, fares and replacement bus passes
Please contact Transport for Greater Manchester (external link) on 0161 244 1000 for information on yellow school buses, school bus routes and fares and replacement bus passes.
Children with Special Educational Needs
We can provide assistance with travel from home to school for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
The school calendar can be accessed using the link on the school website: Calendar | St Edmund Arrowsmith Catholic High School