Year 10

Careers Fair

Focus: Students will be given the opportunity to consider options available to them once they leave school.

Brief outline of activities: Pupils will gather valuable information about their careers options and choices after they leave school. Stands available to visit include colleges, employers, training providers and apprenticeships.


Learning Objectives:

  1. To gather information about their careers options and choices available to them once they leave school
  2. To consider their choices when selecting GCSE courses in relation to different pathways
  3. To explore the type of jobs available in relation to the subject choices and the qualifications needed to embark on a choice of career
  4. To have a meaningful encounter with local employers.



Pastoral Curriculum – Introduction to Pathways Post 16

Focus: To consider and explore the different routes available to pupils once they leave school.

Brief outline of activities: During weekly pastoral curriculum sessions, led by form tutors, pupils will consider the importance of their decision making and career planning, and how it affects the rest of their life.

Learning Objectives:

1. To understand the process of applying for their next step to college, employer or apprenticeship.

2. To understand the purpose of the reference from school and how they can affect their reference over the next year.

CV and Personal Statements

Each pupil will be given the opportunity during form time to complete their Personal Statement and a Curriculum Vitae. It is important that all pupils leave with a viable CV to aid their applications to college, apprenticeships and part-time jobs. A CV is a required for applications for prefect. 


Wigan and Leigh College Taster Day

Focus: Students will gain an insight into college life

Brief outline of activities: Students will attend Wigan and Leigh College for the day and will participate in three lessons chosen by themselves and have the opportunity to explore the college.


Learning Objectives:

1.To gain an insight into college life and the courses available

2.To begin to make informed decisions about vocational courses and apprenticeship opportunities available to students when they leave school.

Leeds or Liverpool University Visit

Focus: Students will gain an insight into university life

Brief outline of activities: Students will attend Leeds or Liverpool University for the day (destination changes annually) and will visit two departments, library, halls of residence and the refectory.

Learning Objectives:

1.To attend a Russell Group University

2.To gain an insight into university life

3.To gain a greater understanding of the courses and facilities available at a Russell Group University.

St John Rigby Taster Day

Focus: Students will gain an insight into college life

Brief outline of activities: Students will attend St John Rigby College for the day and will participate in three lessons chosen by themselves and have the opportunity to explore the college.

Learning Objectives:

1. To gain an insight into college life

2. To begin to make informed decisions about courses and routes available to students when they leave school

3. To gain a greater understanding of college and university life and the courses available.


Work Place Challenge

Focus: Students will arrange to visit a work place

Brief outline of activities: Students will be issued with a Work Place Challenge booklet to complete. Students will contact a local employer and ask for a tour of the work place, find out what local opportunities (Apprenticeships/Full time jobs) are available in the work place and the skills and qualities that the employer would value.

Learning Objectives:

1.To have a meaningful experience of a workplace

2.To understand the context in which the students could one day be working

3.To have a meaningful encounter with a local employer.

Here are some examples of employers:

  • Nurseries, Schools and Colleges.
  • Shops, Stores and wholesalers.
  • Police Stations and Prisons.
  • Call Centres.
  • Law and Accountancy offices.
  • Banks and Insurance offices.
  • Hospitals, Care Homes and Health Centres.
  • Hairdressers and Beauty Salons.
  • Hotels and Restaurants.
  • Airports.
  • Doctors and Dental Surgeries.
  • Engineering sites.
  • Sports Centres, Football Academies and Tennis Centres.
  • Garages, Tyre Fitters and Car Sales.
  • Construction trades - Joiner, Plasterer, Painter and Decorator.
  • Farms, Sea-life, Guide Dog Association and Livery yards





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