Year 9 


Making Choices

Focus: Students will choose their KS4 options.  With this in mind, students will focus on making well thought out decisions in relation to their strengths and aspirations. 


Brief outline of activities: Pupils will listen to presentations from our local colleges and will be introduced to key careers websites that give sound advice about careers and subject choices.


Learning Objectives:

  1. To gain a greater understanding of the difference between core subjects and options subjects
  2. To gain a greater understanding of the routes available to students after they leave school
  3. To learn how to make the right choices when selecting GCSE courses
  4. To explore the type of jobs available in relation to the subject choices and the qualifications needed to embark on a choice of career.

Options Market Place

Focus: Students will choose their KS4 options.  With this in mind, students will focus on making well thought out decisions in relation to their strengths and aspirations. 


Brief outline of activities: This is very similar to the Careers Fair.  Pupils will visit different stands (all departments/subjects represented).  They will have the opportunity to discuss with Y10 pupils the GCSE courses available and their own experiences, including core and option subjects.


Learning Objectives:

  1. To gain a greater understanding of the difference between core subjects and options subjects
  2. To gain a flavour of the GCSE subjects that pupils can study at St Edmund Arrowsmith
  3. To learn how to make the right choices when selecting GCSE course

Year 9 Options Documents


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