In Years 10 and 11 your setting will depend on your option pathway choice, with blue and green pathway pupils in one band and purple, yellow and orange pupils in another.

If you are in M band (blue and green option pathways) you will continue to receive 7 hour-long lessons per fortnight but if you are in E band (purple, yellow and orange pathways) you will receive 9.5 hour-long lessons per fortnight.

Year 10

English Language

You will follow the EDUQAS English Language GCSE syllabus.

You will build on the skills of accurate creative and transactional writing that were introduced in KS3.  You will develop your skills of story writing, focusing on the need to write in timed conditions.   You will learn how to write reports and reviews and develop your skills of other transactional writing styles, such as letter writing and article writing.  You will read a range of articles, leaflets and extracts written in the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries and develop your skills of understanding and inference .  In lessons, you might work individually or in pairs, take part in whole class, paired or group discussions and participate in peer assessment to help you understand how an examiner marks your work.  In the final term students will prepare and deliver a spoken presentation to their class on a subject they have chosen with the guidance of their English teacher.

English Literature

You will follow the EDUQAS English Literature GCSE syllabus.

You will build on the skills of reading and understanding novels, plays and poems that were introduced in KS3.  You will learn: how the social and historical context of a text could have influenced its writer, how to analyse the language and structure of texts, how to write essays about character and theme, how to compare texts and how to revise and prepare for your English Literature exams.  In lessons, you might read, write about or discuss the texts you have to study.  You might carry out research, watch or listen to on-line clips or work in groups and present your findings to the rest of the class.

The texts studied in Y10 are:

  • Blood Brothers
  • A Christmas Carol
  • EDUQAS Poetry Anthology
Year 11

English Language

You will continue to follow the EDUQAS English Language GCSE syllabus and build on the skills introduced in Year 10, in particular learning how to identify personal strengths and areas for improvement.  Your teacher will show you how to approach revision and how to improve your own exam practice.

English Literature

You will continue to follow the EDUQAS English Literature GCSE syllabus and build on the skills introduced in Year 10, in particular learning how to identify personal strengths and areas for improvement.  Your teacher will show you how to approach revision and how to improve your own exam practice.  Texts studied in Y10 will be revisited and the remaining texts on the course will be studied.

The texts studied in Y11 are:

  • Macbeth
  • EDUQAS Poetry Anthology  (any poems not covered so far)

Homework at KS4

Pupils will be expected to study at home.  Specific homework will be set, but students will also be expected to take responsibility for their own learning and re-read texts, prepare revision notes and to use on-line materials as a means of further improving their chances of success.














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