We are delighted to introduce to you our new Head Boy and Head Girl. As you can see by their responses below, they have embraced school life to the full while they have been at St Edmund Arrowsmith and we couldn’t be prouder of them both. We wish them all the best in their new roles in school, we have no doubt they will excel at everything they do and rise to the challenge.
Throughout the years I have been at this school it has offered me so much and helped made me the person I am today. It’s provided me with opportunities to increase my confidence and really push my self in things I would never normally try. My main goal has always been to give back in anyway I could and so I’m delighted to say I am able to do this through the role of Head Girl.
The process of becoming Head Girl was challenging as everyone else who applied deserved it. I found the interview process an enjoyable experience and one I will treasure as not only did it take me out my comfort zone but gave me a taste of what an interviewing process is like.
Firstly, I had to apply for a senior prefect interview, I did this through a letter which explained about my time in school and why I would like to be considered for the role and if I wished to be considered for Head Girl. Once the letter was read and accepted, I then went on to my senior prefect interview, in this interview I had to present why I think I would make an excellent senior prefect. After the interview it was then revealed who got senior prefect and then who was short listed for Head Girl/Boy. I went on to complete a ten-minute interview which consisted of being asked questions at random which you couldn’t really prepare for. Then finally, I found out has been chosen as Head Girl which was unbelievably exciting, and I couldn’t wait to see what would come next.
During my time at St Edmund Arrowsmith, I have enjoyed taking part in school activities and clubs such as Chaplaincy, Robotics, and the volleyball team. Through Chaplaincy, in which I have been an active member since Year 7, I discovered my love for charity and was happy to be given the opportunity to help those in need and I also enjoyed being given the chance to test my self and gain confidence by reading in masses. Also, by being part of a school sports teams I not only gained new friends but the ability to work well in a team even if times are stressful which I learnt from taking part in volleyball competitions. These clubs have given me skills that have aided me in the process of getting the position of Head Girl and will continue to aid me throughout life, they have given me confidence and resilience and have let me achieve more than I ever thought was possible and have overall made my school experience so enjoyable.
I am extremely excited to now be the new Head Girl and can’t wait to start working with the Head Boy, Robert, and the senior prefect team. I hope to follow in the previous Head Girls’ footsteps and live up to the standards they set. I am so thankful for this opportunity to give back to an amazing school that has helped me so much, I am ready to take on this role and will try my hardest in everything that I do in hopes to make this next school year a great one!
- Megan Blaikie 11O
Since starting at St Edmund Arrowsmith, I have always felt inspired by the Head Boy and Head Girl and having the role myself has been something that I aspired to have since Year 7. Ever since I started at St Edmund Arrowsmith, representing the school has been something that I have loved and enjoyed doing so to me, being Head Boy would be the best way to show my dedication to the school and would allow me to act as a role model for the other students. When I found out the great news that I had been chosen to be Head Boy I felt extremely proud of my achievement.
The process to become Head Boy was challenging but it was a great experience and gave me an insight into what having an interview is like, which will help me in the future. We started the process by applying to be a senior prefect and in our letter, we had to write about why we would make a good senior prefect and how we would work well as part of the senior prefect team. On top of the letter, we had to prepare a two-minute talk about how and why we would make a good senior prefect and deliver it to a panel of teachers. After this, we found out who had made it into the senior prefect team and then who had been shortlisted for an interview for Head Boy/Girl. This time we were simply asked a series of questions, some about the type of the person that we are and some about how we would deal with certain situations. At the end of the day when we all had our interviews, I received the amazing news that I had been selected to be Head Boy and I was thrilled that all my hard work had paid off.
Throughout my time at school, I have taken part in many clubs and extracurricular activities: I have been part of the concert band, choir, robotics team and UKMT team. Whilst all these experiences have taught me different things, in general I would say that they have taught me the value of communication within a team; they have also given me more confidence. One group that I feel needs its own mention is the Chaplaincy group. I have been involved with chaplaincy since the first term of Year 7 and the experiences I have had over the past few years have been invaluable and through helping with service and masses, I have been able to show commitment to the school’s important Catholic aspect.
This year I am looking forward to working with Head Girl Megan and the prefect and senior prefect teams to make the school an even better place. I hope that I will be able to face any challenges that come with this role with resilience, and I believe that I can fulfil this role to the best of my ability, acting as a role model for the other students here at St Edmund Arrowsmith.
- Robert Morris 11L