The first girls' football matches took place last night (Wed 5th Oct) and Mrs Paul is so incredibly proud of every one of the girls who played.   Their next matches are taking place on Thursday 20 October 2022 at home versus Bedford High School and Dean Trust, Wigan.

You are more than welcome to come and cheer them on!

The results are as follows:-


SEA (Y7) v Byrchall (B):  SEA (Y7) won 2-0

SEA (Y7) v Byrchall A: SEA (Y7) won 2-0

SEA (Y7) v Hindley: SEA (Y7) lost 1-0



SEA (Y8) v Byrchall B: SEA won 6-0

SEA (Y8) v Byrchall (A): SEA won 6-0

SEA (Y8) v Hindley: SEA won 1-0





Also, the year groups played each other, with a win for Y8 (2) - Y7 (0).  Both teams showed great sportsmanlike behaviour!