The end of year Rewards Trip to Blackpool Pleasure Beach has booked to take place on 13 July 2023. The aim of the trip is to reward students who have consistently met our behaviour expectations -participation will be dependent upon continued adherence to school rules during the school day.  Any student whose behaviour in school is unacceptable may not be able to participate.


Students have all received assemblies detailing the criteria for an invite to the trip. The following areas will be considered:-

  • Attendance

  • Punctuality to school

  • Adherence to the school uniform policy

  • Appropriate behaviour in school and in lessons. This will include engagement and attitude to class tasks

  • The completion of homework tasks

The cost of the trip is £29.50 and a letter will be sent closer to the date.  Students who do not participate in this trip will be expected to attend school as normal on the day.