Our Y10s (and some Y9s) have played in two fixtures over the past weeks and I have been SO proud of their attitude towards each other, the opponents, the supporters, myself and the sport. They have not played together as a team since Y7 due to unforeseen circumstances (COVID!!!!!) but have come back this year and made it through to the next stages of the North West Counties Plate Competition.
I wish you all could see these lads in their natural environment, in some tough conditions (away games and no substitutes) to come out top of our group. They have been an absolute pleasure to coach and have done themselves, school and families proud.
vs St John Fisher (A) - Drew 22-22 (After being 14-6 down at half time)
vs Cardinal Newman (A) - Won 22 -20 (No substitutes and last-minute try)
What a way to finish the half-term. If you see any of these young gentlemen, please congratulate them.