MATILDA has ended on such a high  ...  

"And it is quiet... And I am warm... Like I've sailed Into the eye of the storm".   This song brought a tear to everyone in the audience, it was very special indeed. Sung and acted by Connie Boon.  

Max Killen was glorious as Miss Trunchbull "This school, of late, has started reeking… Quiet, maggot, when I’m speaking!".  I think that the stage might have a few holes in it due to his characterful stomping and stamping about!

Nicole Pastore is such a talented actress and singer - a true artiste in the making. When she sang: "It isn't much, but it is enough for me." she brought the house down as it was so full of emotion. 

The whole show was superb - the acting, singing, dancing, the musicality; the orchestra were amazing; the stage direction and backstage management were outstanding. 

Congratulations to our drama and music teachers; the cast and crew and everyone involved in this superb production.

We are very proud of you all.