5 February 2025
"Thank you" to our Year 9 MFL Culture Club Mentors: Hattie, Flynn, Martha, Amelia and Ruby who have shown excellent dedication to helping with the Y7 lunchtime sessions.
The pupils have supported Year 7 pupils at the weekly lunch club which has covered a wide range of cultural activities:
- Día De Los Muertos
- Beginners Italian
- All Things Bulgarian
- Christmas in Spain
- Guest Speaker - President of Angers/Wigan Twinning Association
- Christmas in France
- Los Reyes Magos
- Beginners Arabic
- Chinese New Year
The Year 9 pupils continue to develop their leadership skills in the role of Year 9 MFL Culture Club Mentors and are currently planning next week's session! I hope that you will join me in wishing the pupils a 'good luck' with this!
Mrs Outterside - Teacher of Spanish and French