It is with great sadness that we share with you the news that our Head of Mathematics, Mrs Joanne Evans died on Sunday 7th June 2020.  Her death was unexpected and not related to the current pandemic in any way. 

Mrs Evans was universally loved by pupils and staff alike; she was an outstanding teacher who cared very deeply about the success and wellbeing of each and every one of her students.  Over her time here, Mrs Evans has taught thousands of pupils, knowing them as individuals as well as members of her class. Our school community is an ‘extended family’ and Mrs Evans was an integral part of that family. She made a huge impact with so many of our pupils, past and present, always finding time for pupils, parents and members of staff, even when she was extremely busy running the Maths Department.  Mrs Evans came to the school in 2005, joining us as 2nd in Maths.  Her focus, superb teaching, dedication, hard work and belief in our pupils quickly shone through and it was no surprise that she took over as Head of Department in 2009. 

Mrs Evans was loved by everyone and will be missed by all those who knew her or had contact with her. We know this news will be received with much sadness by everyone in our school community and by past members of our school community and as such we have organised an electronic book of condolence.

We have created a list of all the tributes below. 

Our Boss, What do we say? Where do we start? We could echo the already many lovely words of pupils, parents and colleagues but we would like to share with you what Mrs Evans really meant to us. Mrs Evans wasn’t just a boss, she was our leader, protector, advisor, friend and so much more. Mrs Evans took us all as individuals and moulded us into a Team. Her Team. She really did stand ahead and fight for every single one of us. We could spend hours sharing the ways in which she did this but ultimately,what ever it took, she would do it and more. There are no words which could describe just how much Mrs Evans put her heart and soul into our department. The thing is with Mrs Evans is that everyone saw the endless time and unlimited amount effort that she put in daily but what we also witnessed was the huge amount of hidden work and the dedication that took place behind the scenes. Mrs Evans fought, fought hard for the Maths Department and never gave up! As a school we have lost a friend, teacher and colleague. As a department we have lost our leader. We will struggle to understand what has happened but we have vowed to stick together, to make it known just how good she was and to make her proud of the department she made. Our thoughts and prayers are with Mrs Evans’ family who we know she loved deeply and could not have been prouder of. Maths 5 will never be the same and we will never forget.

- Maths Department

Mrs Evans was among the most hard-working teachers I know. She was always one of the first members of staff in school in the morning and often one of the last to leave. She ALWAYS smiled and said hello if you passed her in the corridor and was so supportive of all the students in her care. I will miss her greatly. Mrs Evans, may the choir of angels come to greet you. May they speed you to paradise. May the Lord enfold you in his mercy. May you find eternal life.

- Maria

We were very sad to hear of the death of Mrs Evans. Sending heartfelt condolences to her family and all the school staff.

- Lucas T 9M and Family

Thank you for always supporting me and believing in me throughout school, form will not be the same without you, you always had the best advice, I will miss you very much.

- Ellie W 9A

We are deeply shocked and saddened at the news of Mrs Evans sudden passing. We only knew her briefly and knew she was an integral part of school and a fantastic teacher. Our thoughts and prayers are with her family.

-Denise and Philip and Olivia Vernazza

Rest in peace Mrs Evans, sending love and prayers to Mrs Evans family at this sad time Saul 10M Aleze 7L.

- The Patterson family

Mrs Evans was the best form teacher and always gave the best advice, form won’t be the same without her x

-Isabelle F 9A

A person that departs from this earth never truly leaves, for they are still alive in our hearts,may they live on. My condolences.

I pray for all of the families effected by this very unexpected loss.

- Noah G 7W

On behalf of the Maths Team at Byrchall may I offer my sympathies to all of the SEA community and to Jo’s family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all during this time.

My family and I would like to offer our condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of Mrs Evans. We were very sad to hear of her passing, we are sure she will very much be missed by all who knew her xx

- Kindest regards, The Lloyd family

I am so sad to learn of Mrs Evan's passing. She taught me throughout Y9, Y10, and Y11. Mathematics was never my strong point, but she persisted in helping me achieve the grade I was capable of. Originally, our class were supposed to sit the foundation paper but she believed in us all and allowed us to sit the higher paper. In the end, the class achieved or exceeded their targets with some securing A grades! Mrs Evan's was a great teacher and the influence of a great teacher can never be erased. She was charismatic, funny, dedicated, and passionate about her subject. I will never forget her geordie accent and beaming smile! I send my love and condolences to her family, friends, and colleagues.

- Callum Taylor

Mrs Evans was my maths teacher from 2011-2015. She was by far one of my favourite teachers, she was so caring but also knew when to put me in my place when constantly late to her classes and a little cheeky, we laughed on many occasions but she also kept my respect throughout my 4 years of having her teach me. She had the patience to deal with many misbehaving teenagers (myself included). She was always on hand to help and we even exchanged emails early morning when I was stuck on my pass papers the night before exams. Mrs Evans actually helped me after I left high school and went on to college, proving how selfless she was. She was a lovely person and I’m so happy and privileged that I got the chance to be taught by her for 4 years. Sending my condolences to her family and friends at this hard and sad time. Xx

- Hannah Evans

My heart is broken hearing the news of Mrs Evans passing. Having her as my maths teacher for 3 years, she always pushed me to the best of my ability and stopped me from giving up. I will forever remember our class as her impact changed my school experience for the better. My thoughts and prayers go out to all of her friends and family at this time. Rest in peace Mrs E x

- Ellie McGarry

Mrs Evans looked after my daughter whilst in New York. Gaby has also told me how much she helped not only her but so many other children as well. Sending lots of love and prayers at this sad time. Gabriella Browns family xx

- Lara Brown

Mrs Evans was truly an amazing, inspiring and loving teacher. Although I did not have the chance to be one of her pupils for the subject she loved to teach, I had the opportunity to attend the New York Trip with our school in 2019 along with her. She was always very kind and reassuring, and had an outstanding sense of humour. Mrs Evans constantly ensured that each member of staff, and each pupil, were safe and enjoying themselves on this trip. After the school trip, it really felt like I had started to view her more as a friend rather than just a teacher, as she offered great kindness to every individual in our school community. Seeing her around school as we greeted one another was the sweetest of actions. Mrs Evans was truly a woman of great abilities to look up to and respect.

I know that Mrs Evans will be sadly missed by everyone in our wide school community. We will keep herself and her family in our prayers, keeping her close to our hearts. RIP Mrs Evans.

- Aimee-Leigh Slobin

Mrs Evans was a kind hearted and a amazing teacher who cared for every student in the school. Never failing to put smiles on everyone’s faces and believing in every single student who attends/attended the school. RIP Mrs Evan you will be greatly missed by everyone.

- Gaby Brown

Mrs Evans was a brilliant teacher who helped me so much throughout my school life to do as well as I did in maths, she was brillaint. Rest in Peace

- Georgina

We are really saddened and shocked to hear of the passing of Mrs Evans. Having been taught by her she was a lovely lady and a fantastic teacher, and our thoughts and prayers are with her family at this incredibly sad time. X

- Harriet and Isabel Olurankinse and Family

It’s a total shock to hear Mrs Evens passing away RIP! Mrs Evens was my form tutor when I first came in year 7 and was so supportive when ever I needed help with anything! She will be truly missed! RIP

-Becca Southworth

Sorry for the loss, I went to Cansfield my cousins and my mum went here and I am just wanting to say thinking of all her family and friends at this difficult time.

- Shannon fisher

I was never the biggest fan of maths but Mrs Evans definitely always made time in the classroom enjoyable. She was a teacher that always went above and beyond to ensure all her students would succeed to the best of their ability. From my three years of being a student of hers I know how much of a credit she will always be to St Edmund Arrowsmith and how deeply she will be missed by the entire school community- My thoughts are with her family at this truly difficult time

- Jessica Lewis

Mrs Evans was my form teacher right through school, from Year 7 all the way through to year 11 and we definitely developed a close bond. She helped me with my maths even though she wasn’t my maths teacher, she would set up dinner time and after school 1-1’s to help me with the topics I struggled with. We always got on so well and every year at Christmas she would have me put the Christmas tree up in our form room. When we left school she made everyone in our form a little ‘Good Luck Kit’ with a message on the back. I send my sincere condolences to her whole family and her friends. Rest in Peace Mrs Evans, you will be missed by so many.

- Lily B

Mrs Evans was always smiling in and around school and her class room door was always open to everyone. Rest in peace to an amazing teacher x

- Libby Bickerstaffe

Mrs Evans taught me and my friends for 4 years from 2005-2009. From the start it was clear she was a great teacher; enthusiastic, funny, demanding, and warm. Though at the time I didn’t look forward to maths, looking back as an adult I realise her classes were a highlight of my time at Eddies. I’m greatly saddened to hear of her passing, and at such a young age. I’d like to offer my condolences to her family — especially to her son, who she mentioned often in class.

- Jack Casey

Thank you for everything you've done for me, it means alot. RIP Miss Evan's.

- Alisha

Mrs Evans always used to make me laugh even tho she wasn’t really my teacher but when we did have her it was a joy and she was such a fun person to be around and taught me so so much can’t thank her enough!! Sending my love to her family and friends x

- Lucas McDonald

My family and I are so sorry to hear the news of the passing of Mrs Evans. I was taught by her in Year 10 and 11 and she was always such a kind and supportive teacher, who would put so much work into making sure that every person in the class fully understood the work they were given. Our thoughts and prayers go out to her family and friends. Rest In Peace Mrs Evans

- Megan Harrison and Family

RIP Mrs Evans you was a great teacher. You taught me a good few years ago and always had a smile on your face. God has gained another angel x

- Jenna

I am very sad to hear the news of Mrs Evans. She was my maths teacher and i could not have asked for a better teacher in that position. She was kind, nice and helped me along my way in school. We would have a laugh in class and was just layed back. I will miss her loads and she will be missed.

- Nathan H 11G

Rip Mrs Evans. Thinking of Mrs Evans family and friends at this sad time. Both our girls Rhiannan 9B and Tiffanie 7W will miss you xxx

- The Whitfield/Dewsnip Family

I give all my love to all the friends and family of Mrs Evans, as well as all of our maths department at this sad time. She was an amazing teacher and I will always remember how she changed my perspective on maths and never gave up on me. She was a blessing to all the maths mentors. RIP Mrs E xx

- Isobel Hegarty, Former Pupil

Sending our love, thoughts, prayers and comfort at this terribly sad time. God bless X

- The Richardson Family

When we met Mrs Evans at the Year 7 parent's evening this year, we were amazed by her enthusiasm and warmth. Our son had only been in her class for a few months but she had formed a really strong connection with him. We are so grateful for the support she gave him, both in and out of the classroom. Our love and thoughts are with her family at this time.

-The Barton Family

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