My Cyberbullying Story

My story about getting cyber-bullied starts about 2 years ago. It was New Year when my boyfriend, who I have known for a very long time, said that one of his ‘friends’ wanted to follow me. She said I was pretty and had heard a lot of good things about me. I accepted the  ‘friend request’ and carried on with my day. When I got home, I went on my phone to talk to my best friend about how we were going to dance that night, when I received a message from my boyfriend’s ‘friend’ and this is what the conversation went like:

S: Why are you saying all those horrible things about me to ___

Me: What things?????

S: You know exactly what things you said.

Me: I think you’ve got the wrong person, because I don’t have a clue who you even are.

S: All those messages you sent to ____ _____  swearing about me and saying how you hate me and that I’m so ugly and that you wish I would die.

Me: For starters, I don’t swear 2) I don’t even know you 3) I would never wish death on anyone.

S: Fine. Keep LYING but I’m leaving. Don’t ever speak to me again you horrible person.

After this conversation I told my mum and she said, “Just ignore it,” so I turned off Instagram and went to sleep. The next day I came home from dancing and started scrolling through Instagram when a notification popped up.

S: You’re such a horrible person

S: You’re so unpopular

S: ____ hates you

S: You should break up with him.

S: We would make a better couple

S: You are sooooooooooooo UGLY


Me: leave me alone. I never said anything about you. I don’t even know you

I turned my phone off and went upstairs to watch a film. Every day came the same messages, but about a week later I got this message:

S: U r such a bully y r u always sendin me horrible txts. Iz it coz u think I’m uncool coz I’m not. I have an iPhone 5c and Ipad . U r always being so horrible an u r such an ugly alien. Go die in a hole.

M: Why do you even message me if all you are going to do is be mean?

So a few days passed by and I heard nothing from S. I started to think that it’s finally over and she’s going to leave me alone when I get this message:

S:  I am sincerely sorry about my choices of actions towards you and how I   have treated you in such a horrible manner and I wish I would have just asked you to be friends and I wish I wasn’t so jealous of your relationship with ____ and I hope you will accept my offer of a trip to Wigan and a meal at Frankie and Benny’s.

I showed my mum the message and she said, ‘That is not that girl speaking, it’s probably her mum speaking. But why haven’t you blocked and reported her yet?’

Then it clicked, “Why didn’t I just block and report her at the start and none of this would have happened?”

This is my story of how I was cyberbullied and how I solved it. Cyberbullying is one of the biggest issues among high schoolers who are being bullied. Remember even if they’re a ‘friend of a friend’, it doesn’t mean they’re your friend!

Based on a true story.





If you need some advice or help please take a look at this article: How to Stay Safe Online


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