Excited, curious, thrilled were the feelings I felt sitting in the pew at St Oswald's church. It felt quite crazy to think that I was in Year 11 waiting for the Welcome Mass to start.
I can vividly remember sitting in St Thomas’ church 4 years ago for the Year 7 Welcome Mass to begin...where does time go?! As our mass begun, I looked around at my year group. I watched them sing, recite mass together and smile. As I listened to Father Johns homily on how Jesus calmed the storm on the Sea of Galilee it made me think about the year ahead and how I will also need Gods help to be calm and focus. Listening to the superb singers sing the prayers of intercession helped me to realize that to have help from God, all I need is to ask for it. I will make a conscious effort to pray and ask God to guide me over this coming year.
When our Head Girl and Head Boy read the reflection, I realized that we are all in the same boat. We are all anxious and worried about the upcoming exams but together we can help each other and be the best people we can be. Overall, I enjoyed the welcoming assembly immensely and am looking forward to working hard and receiving good results next year.
By Niamh 11C