Year 11 pupils have once again achieved excellent results in this year’s GCSE examinations.
On a damp Thursday morning nervous with anticipation, pupils and parents queued early to receive their long-awaited GCSE results. As the doors opened, everyone rushed in to get hold of that all-important white envelope. Tears and elation filled the foyer as pupils celebrated with their friends and family their long-awaited results.
Despite the changes in GCSEs this year, our pupils made outstanding progress and the staff are immensely proud of them. It was a delight to see so many happy faces rushing off to college to enrol on their chosen courses!
Out at the front of school it was brilliant to hear all about some of our pupils’ achievements and next steps in their education. We caught up with a few of our pupils before they dashed off to celebrate with their families and friends.
Katie McKay stood with her friends over the moon that she had gotten a grade 9 in her favourite subject, RE. ‘The teachers have been amazing; I need to go and find Mrs Hooton and tell her what I got!’ Katie talked about how she wants to eventually train to be a RE. Teacher after going to Study A Levels in sociology, psychology and RE.
Stood next to Katie was Deputy Head Girl Caitlin Taylor. Caitlin did amazing and shocking herself with her amazing results - 6 9s and 3 7s! ‘I was so shocked when I first opened my envelope; I just burst out crying with happiness!’ Caitlin is continuing her studies at St John Rigby College taking A Level history, law and French with the hope of studying further to become a Barrister.
Their friend Heather Donlon discussed how she is undecided on going to either St John Rigby College or Winstanley College to study English Language, film studies and history. She chatted about the support the staff at St Edmund Arrowsmith have given her over the years. Still teary eyed she thanked the staff for all their hard work and dedication. Heather is hoping to go in to film or media after college but is keeping her options open.
Matthew Hill with a beaming smile posed for a picture with his friends celebrating their results together. Matthew did brilliantly achieving 7 8s and 3 7s. He is going on to St John Rigby College to study biology, chemistry and history. Matthew wants to eventually study Zoology at University with the hope of one day working at Chester Zoo.
Our other Deputy Head Girl Kate Naylor couldn’t quite believe her results getting 9s in English language, literature, RE, geography and history! Kate is going on to study A Levels at Winstanley College taking English Language, law and psychology. She explained she isn’t sure what she wants to do yet and is keeping her options open but is leaning towards a Law degree.
Stood nearby with his friends Chris Bache talked about continuing his musical passions further at college. He has been part of many of our Music Showcases, Music Festivals and school productions over the years and is a brilliant trombone player! Chris got a fantastic grade 9 in music and will continue his studies at St John Rigby; taking A Level music, French, law and economics.
Twins, Alex and Charlie Taylor stood with their family where both happy with their results. Charlie was going on to enrol at TMP College in Pemberton to study Sound Engineering and Alex to Wigan & Leigh College to study BTEC Photography. Both have been key members in our Media Club and have worked on many of our school shows and performances - it’s great to see them moving on to college to pursue their passions further.
With the recent changes in GCSE’s our pupils have once again risen to the challenge working extremely hard to achieve their fantastic results. We are so proud of the type of people they have become and we wish them all every success in their future.