This Sunday, Pentecost, was the Church’s birthday! Another year older and still as strong as ever!
Some say that as you grow older, your technical abilities get worse – it’s not often we see OAP’s Snapchatting, TikTok-ing and Vlogging – however, our 2000+ year old Church just keeps getting more and more ‘down with the kids’ as it ages.
Lockdown has forced the Church into the world of modern technology. Our priests have been live streaming Masses via Youtube and some have even been ‘zooming’ parishioners to check up on them. Nobody can argue that the Church hasn’t adapted to this current situation we find ourselves in.
So, with that in mind, I thought it would be nice if I shared some of my personal favourite online prayer resources that have kept me going during lockdown! I hope that you find some of them, if not all of them useful to help you with your prayers!
- Our very own Fr John has been uploading Masses, Rosary’s and Adoration to his new YouTube channel: rcchurchesashton https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdwpt0SgPTXBSMyGNvNbUEAThis has been particularly comforting as we are not able to celebrate Mass together – and it’s always nice to see a familiar face!
- Many of you will be familiar with Ten:Ten Theatre company who have been coming into our school for many years now providing excellent sessions on key issues faced by teenagers from a Christian viewpoint. They have produced excellent prayers for specific needs throughout this time such as ‘Prayers for those who are ill’ and ‘Prayers for bedtime’. https://www.tentenresources.co.uk/primary-subscription/prayers-for-home/15-prayers/
- Liverpool Archdiocese have also produced a brilliant resource with prayers and reflections for this time. https://www.liverpoolcatholicresources.comIt also offers a comprehensive list of where Mass can be livestreamed throughout the archdiocese as well as useful guides for praying at home and with families.
- As always, CAFOD are at the forefront fighting for families and communities across the world who are desperately in need of basic sanitation in order to remain safe during this crisis. CAFOD have also produced prayers and resources for Catholics everywhere to stand in solidarity with one-another and pray for an end to this virus. https://cafod.org.uk/Pray/Prayer-resources/Coronavirus-prayersThey also have a number of fundraising ideas and campaigns that you can get involved with remotely from home if you feel inspired to help in any way!
- And finally, there is no-one more tech-savvy than His Holiness Pope Francis who offers daily inspiration on his Twitter page to uplift and encourage! https://twitter.com/Pontifex(granted, I don’t think it’s actually the Pope tweeting personally, but I secretly like to think he is…..whenever he gets bored of ‘working from home’.
Stay safe everyone! Be assured of my continued prayers and if you want more prayer ideas and resources, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me on my school email: mruane@arrowsmith.wigan.sch.uk