We are delighted that the Duke of Edinburgh cohort completed the expedition element of their DoE Bronze Award this weekend.
Congratulations to you all for what is an amazing achievement!
The students had already completed a Skills Day at the Anderton Centre where they were shown how to read maps and sort out equipment needs for the expedition. Then, last Friday they undertook a practice walk to Billinge Hill (from school and back, in the blistering heat!) The walk took them approx. 4 hours and totalled a distance of 12k. The students and staff were treated to an ice cream on their way back to school, which was well deserved!
For the Expedition, the students were taken by minibus to the Anderton Centre and walked to the field where they were camping that night. They had to prove that they could navigate themselves to the site, using only maps and a compass. On arrival, working as a team, they erected their tents and set up their cooking equipment. On Day 2, the students had to be up at 7.30am, sort out their breakfast, have a shower, take down their tents and set off on their 2nd walk.
The students had to carry their own backpacks which weighed approx. 15kg. Overall, over the 2 days, the students walked approx. 14k which is incredible! They arrived back at school yesterday at about 3.30pm, shattered but happy!
The DoE scheme promotes potential -
there are no limits to what young people can achieve when they put their mind to something!
The DoE scheme involves students giving up their own time to work on 4 sections, Physical, Skills, Volunteering and the Expedition. This takes approximately 6 months in 1 section and 3 months in the others, eg: 6 months of 1 session per week for ‘Physical’ and 3 months of 1 session per week ‘Skills’ & ‘Volunteering’.
If you are interested and would like more information, please speak to Mr Dumican or visit the DoE website: DofE - The Duke of Edinburgh's Award