Well done and a fantastic effort from the Y7 (A) team who played in the North West Counties Final yesterday evening against St Peter’s, under monsoon conditions! The result was: SEA 0 - 18 St Peter’s
It might seem like it was a one sided game, however the team battled against a well drilled St Peter’s team (who are favourites to win the national cup final to be crowned the best in the country). After going in 14 - 0 down at half time, the lads responded and made it a competitive second half.
Mr Burgess said that this is the first time he's been in a good mood after a loss, as before the game he had asked the team to put in effort, heart and enjoyment into the game and they showed all 3!! Full credit to the team for representing the school in such a way. The photograph shows the players with their runners-up medals.
Thank you to parents and staff for your support - it was very much appreciated, despite the dismal weather.