Y11 students took part in the Y11 Interview day on Thurs 7 Nov 2024
We were delighted to have 35 volunteer interviewers from all sectors of our local business community and all Y11 pupils were given the opportunity of a 30-minute practice interview. To prepare for this event, all pupils had attended an interview preparation session and they have also been asked to prepare themselves by producing a Curriculum Vitae (CV) and Personal Statement. They were asked to gather any certificates or documents which could be included in their Presentation Folders.
The interviewers all had time prior to the interviews to read the information prepared by the students so that they could ask them questions relevant to their applications and their hobbies and interests.
We have run these events for many years and have always found them to be an excellent way to prepare pupils for their college interviews and real job interviews which will arise over the next few years and at various stages in their chosen career.

Well done to all the Y11 students who absolutely 'smashed' their interviews and 'got the job'!!!