Equality Information and Objectives (public sector equality duty) statement for publication.  This statutory policy is in line with legislation: The Equality Act 2010 and The Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) Regulations 2011. See also related documents SEND and Local Offer and Accessibility Plan.



The Governors of St Edmund Arrowsmith Catholic High School are committed to the principle of equality of opportunity for all in employment and in the provision of teaching and learning.  Our school takes pride in our increasingly diverse community and all the cultural richness that it brings with it.

This statement outlines our commitment to equality and diversity. It sets out our intention to create an environment in which everyone in our school community can take full part in the cultural life of the school. It also sets out our commitment to advance equality and diversity among our students, their families and our staff.


Statement of Intent

The Governors of the school recognise that certain groups in society have been disadvantaged based on their disability, gender, race, sexual orientation, religion or belief, gender reassignment and           pregnancy/maternity. We will put in place a range of actions to eliminate prejudice, unlawful discrimination and victimisation within the school community we serve and our workforce.


Our aim

We want to see a strong, sustainable and cohesive community in our school. We will continue to develop and promote policies and systems that make sure that the school community and our workforce are not unlawfully discriminated against.

Our aims are to:

  • Eliminate discrimination and other conduct prohibited by the Act;
  • Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and
  • people who do not hare it;
  • Foster good relations across all characteristics – between people who share a protected
  • characteristic and people who do not share it.


Our context

As a school with a religious character have a responsibility to the welfare of children in our care and to adhere to curriculum guidance.  We would always ensure our beliefs our explained in a clear and appropriate way in an educational context that takes into account existing guidance on the delivery of  Sex and Relationship education (SRE) and Religious Education. In this context, we know that we would not be acting unlawfully.

Further that it would not be unlawful for a teacher in our school to express personal views on sexual orientation provided that it is done in an appropriate manner and context. We understand the influential role of a teacher and that their actions and responsibilities extend beyond the requirements of the equality legislation and that expressing personal views should not extend to allowing unlawful discrimination.

  • Acts of worship 

The daily act of collective worship is not covered by the religion or belief provisions, which means that our school will not be acting unlawfully if we do not provide an equivalent act of worship for other faiths. The character and content of collective worship in our school continues to be determined by the governing body and will be in accordance with the school’s trust deed. For our school this will be in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church.


How will we deliver our commitment?

The Governors have adopted the following principles:-

  • recognise the value of diversity within the community, our workforce and our student body and the
  • contribution made by people from different backgrounds;
  • committed to ensuring that teaching and learning meet the varied and complex needs of all students in our care;
  • make sure our employment is accessible to everyone and that we value the variety of lifestyles and cultures within the community.

Our commitment is supported by a legal duty to provide learning and employment opportunities fairly, without unlawful discrimination. We believe we have a strong moral and social duty to recognise any unlawful discrimination, take steps to challenge prejudice and promote equality.

We understand that it is unlawful to discriminate against a pupil or perspective pupil by treating them less favourably on the basis of the following protected characteristics (disability, gender, race, sexual orientation, religion or belief, gender reassignment and pregnancy/maternity). We also understand it is unlawful to discriminate on the basis of association or perception, i.e., because a person of whom the pupil or perspective pupil is associated has a protected characteristic, or if you think a person has a protected characteristic even if this is mistaken. We remain free to organise children in age groups and to treat them in ways appropriate to their age and stage of development.



Accessible services and partnerships:-

Where appropriate, and at the discretion of the Headteacher, we will work with other organisations and local voluntary and community groups to provide teaching and learning and access to employment which promote equal opportunities to all by:-

  • building on good practice;
  • consulting with and involving our local community;
  • providing accessible information and ways for people to comment;
  • carrying out equality impact assessments of new and existing policies and practices to make sure that they do not unlawfully discriminate against anyone;
  • removing barriers which deny people access to our school community;
  • using our powers to make sure that organisations providing services on our behalf work in line with this statement;
  • promoting an environment which gives all students an equal chance to learn and live free of
  • unlawful discrimination and prejudice, all staff to work and live free of unlawful discrimination and prejudice;
  • take steps to build an inclusive and cohesive school community.

Equal and appropriate treatment in employment, training and recruitment opportunities:-

This will be achieved by:-

  • making sure that all employees understand their responsibilities under this statement;
  • making sure that all employees know about their rights of protection from unlawful discrimination, harassment, bullying, including homophobic bullying or victimisation;
  • developing and promoting policies which give everyone equal access to employment and
  • opportunities;
  • gathering evidence of the impact of our actions.


The Governors are an equal opportunities employer and provider of teaching and learning. In order to support this public commitment all staff play a key role in ensuring that provision does not give rise to unlawful discrimination of any kind and that we have a shared understanding of the relevant issues and how best to deal with them.

All employees at the School are expected to comply with the schools’ values of promoting equality and diversity and treat colleagues and others in the school community with dignity and respect at all times.

Leaders and managers are expected to:-

  • be at the forefront of best practice on equalities within their respective areas;
  • set equality targets, monitor outcomes and develop relevant action plans;
  • review all provision to ensure elimination of unequal treatment of staff, students and the wider
  • school community;
  • raise equality-related issues with their staff and senior colleagues;
  • encourage leadership on equalities amongst their staff and other providers;
  • establish monitoring systems;
  • report to the Governors on the results of assessments, consultations and monitoring;
  • train staff on equalities issues;
  • consider better access for people with disabilities;
  • monitor provision by contractors and other external providers;
  • have evidence of consultation carried out with staff and the school community;
  • take guidance readily available to staff.


Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation

With the help of feedback from employees and the wider school community we will continue to develop arrangements to monitor, review and evaluate the effectiveness of our employment policies and provision of teaching and learning. If our monitoring reveals any gaps in our policies/provision, we will take necessary action.


Equality Objectives must be published every 4 years.

Review Date:   January 2024

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