Jo, You’re sorely missed and I still can’t believe you’re gone. You were a true friend with a great sense of humour and a kind heart. I’ll miss your compassion, your smile, your considerate words and passion for your subject and the school. Most of all I’ll miss the laughs we had. You always talked so lovingly about your family, I know you’re watching them now and always but they will be in our thoughts and prayers. Mr Killen and Family.

- Mr Killen & Family

We did not know Mrs Evans for very long but she always made us feel welcome when we supported children in her classroom. She seemed to have the gift of making Maths fun for every child that she taught. It is so sad that she has passed away at such an early age, an unimaginable loss for those close to her. Hopefully the lovely words written in this book will provide some consolation for them in the future. God Bless and Rest In Peace.

- Paul and Pam Bolton

Sending our thoughts and prayers to Mrs Evans’ family and the whole school community. May she rest in peace.

-The Donlon family (Martin, Helen and Heather).

During my time at St Edmund Arrowsmith, I didn’t have the privilege to be taught by mrs Evan however with how highly pupils and my friends spoke about her she will deeply be missed by all xx

- Amelia Barrett 11W

I’d like to offer prayers to the family, I’m very sorry for your loss. Mrs Evans was a lovely, kind teacher. She helped me out in maths clinic many times.

- Katie B 7A

Deeply saddened to hear the passing of Mrs Evans she taught my son Callum for 3 years, Sending our deepest sympathy to her family friends, colleagues an pupils.

-The Taylor Family

Sending condolences to Mrs Evans Family in this sad time. She taught me in my final two year at eddies and helped me so much when it came down to revision and put on weekly after school revision to helps us all achieve the grades we deserve. She knew when to have a laugh but also when to tell the class to stay focused there was always a good balance in the classroom and you never dreaded being in her lessons. Rest In Peace Mrs Evans

- Jack Meyrick

Mrs Evans was always smiling and always putting a smile on our faces by making the lessons fun. She would always help no matter how big or small the problem was especially as maths wasn’t my strongest of subjects and because of this i really enjoyed being in her lessons as she was so passionate and enthusiastic. She will be truly missed and we will be thinking of all of her family and friends at this time.

- Bryony

So sad to hear the news of your passing! May you rest in piece. Thank you for the impact you had on my education and I really do hope I make as good as maths teacher as you did. Sending my love to your family!

- Kimberley Slater

Really sorry to hear the sad news! Mrs Evans was the nicest women I knew when I was at school! And she would always make sure that everyone was happy and if they had any issues she was the person to talk too! RIP Mrs Evans!

- Georgia Moss

Jo was a lovely colleague and an outstanding and dedicated teacher who cared for every single pupil. Her loss to St Edmund Arrowsmith RC School is unmeasurable. My thoughts are with her family and friends at this very sad time x RIP Jo.

- Alison Webb

Mrs. Evans was a loving teacher who would do whatever she could to help her students. She was a great mathematician and was a pleasure to be around, Mrs. Evans could always have a joke with her students and made maths fun. My heart goes out to her family and friends. R.I.P

- Arthur Beswick

Mrs Evens taught me throughout Y8 and partially in Y9. She was the best teacher who always supported me in maths as I struggled a lot. Any time I need help she would always help me either before school or at lunch time. In Y10 and Y11 mrs evens would help me in any GCSE work that I needed even though she wasn’t my maths teacher. She supported me endlessly and I will be forever great full, she even missed her assembly to help me before my exam. Thankyou for everything you will be missed. RIP Mrs Evans

- Aimee Styles

Mrs Evans was my first form tutor when I arrived in Year 7, she was such a sweet soul and cared so deeply about us all. She knew me as a cheeky, funny and sometimes naughty student. She was always so supportive and will be missed so much. RIP

- Rachael Garry-Madden

Horribly sad news. I was taught by her for the Study Plus programme between 2009-2011 helping me achieve a B grade. A wonderful kind hearted and loving teacher who went above and beyond for her pupils and any child in need. A credit to the school and the education system. My thoughts go to the family and friends at this heartbreaking time. May she rest in peace.

- Jonathan Carr

I’ll never forget Mrs Evans doing everything she could in her power to help me in maths, even moving me down a set to be with the teacher who’d get the best results for me and I owe my passion for maths to her, she was an amazing lady and even more amazing teacher, I wish all teachers were like her and I hope I’m half as good a teacher as her when I graduate. Rest In Peace ❤️

- Chloe Taylor

So sorry to hear this awful news.. I always enjoyed our chats at parents evening we both shared the same motto “this girl can” thinking of all your family and friends at this terribly sad time xxx

- Lyndsey williams

As a former pupil of St. Edmund Arrowsmith, I got to know Mrs. Evans very well over the course of the 5 years between 2010 - 2015. She was the heart and soul of the maths department and although I did not have her as a teacher, I feel it is a testament to her bold personality and great sense of humour that I still had many fond memories with her. My condolences to her family and friends at this tragic time. Rest in peace Mrs. Evans

- Kiara Bowles

Our heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of Mrs Evans. Our sons were both fortunate enough to be taught by Mrs Evans, a true teacher who inspired, motivated and sometimes perceived in the subject of Mathematics. The little keepsake gift she gave to our eldest son, and to the rest of her form class when he left in 2017, showed how much she wanted them all to succeed in life. Our thoughts and prayers go to all who knew her x

Mr. & Mrs. Seddon, Theo 7L and Nathan 11A1 (2017)

I was taught by Mrs Evans from 2010-2013. Being quite disobedient and wilful as a child I was often in trouble, but Mrs Evans saw past this and saw my potential which is a gift I have rarely come across in my life so far. She would often sit and talk to me, try to understand me. Her place in Edmund Arrowsmith was not just as a teacher, but a mentor and a friend. Her resounding laugh through the maths department was immensely contagious and enough to make anyone smile, and her classroom was the most welcoming place in the school. A place to talk, to laugh, to learn or to simply sit quietly and peacefully. Her advice helped me and undoubtedly numerous students to reach my full potential and begin to grow into a respectful and successful adult, and I cannot imagine where I would be today without that advice. Her caring, empathic nature is something I’m sure will leave a huge hole in the heart of the school which can never be filled. I’d like to take this time to offer my deepest condolences for her family who she often spoke of, I can’t begin to imagine the grief they are feeling. But Mrs Evans will not be forgotten, and will certainly live on in the hearts of every person who had the pleasure of working with or being taught by her. Rest in peace Mrs E x

- Chloe Blundell

Gone from our sight, but not from our hearts

- Joseph Banks

Such sad news. Mrs Evans only taught me for a short period of time but had such an influence on me. Always funny and jolly, the type of teacher that could teach but to have a laugh with. Love her Gordie accent My thoughts and prayers with her family and her pupils - Rachel Chesworth (past student 2014-2019 B1 Mr Lintons form)

- Rachel Chesworth

Deepest Sympathy to Mrs Evans family, friends & colleagues at SEA. Your love of maths made our learning fun & enjoyable and you will be greatly missed. RIP Mrs Evans 

- Ryan & Callum Clarke & Family (Yr 10 & Yr 9)

I was so lucky to have Mrs Evans as my maths teacher from Year 8 through to year 11 (2011-2015). She was the best, most amazing, supportive teacher I have ever had. I enjoyed maths because of her and I will never forget how much she believed in me and was always so willing to help me. She was a massive part of my time at school and I remember her reassuring me on my last day about going to college. I went back to see her after I had left school and even though I was no longer one of her students, she was still so supportive of me and genuinely wanted to check how I was doing. My thoughts and prayers are with her friends and family at this sad time. Xx

- Megan Kilmurray

Truly a wonderful teacher who was understanding, patient and kind. She never failed to put a smile on everyone’s faces. Everything a teacher should be and more.

- Aimée Anders

So sorry to hear the very sad news. Our thoughts and prayers are sent with love and sympathy to your family, friends and the school community. May you rest in peace in the arms of our Lord. God bless.

- The Simpson Family

My deepest condolences. I remember Mrs Evans always pushing me to do well within maths in the after school maths classes. She made sure I understood each question and had an equal opportunity to get my work done despite how little I did, she wouldn’t get mad or anything she would sit with me and go through things to make sure I could achieve the best I could, because that’s just the type of teacher/person she was. She was extremely kind and I am saddened that this has happened.

- Victoria Conboy

Mrs Evans was always one of my favourite teachers , she helped me with many things throughout my school experience other than maths and it brings me great sadness to know she has passed away, all my thoughts are with her family, she will be missed dearly x

- Jade Rimmer

Sending our love to Mrs Evans family and to all those effected by the loss

- The Hill Family

Rest in peace Mrs Evans, you had a positive influence on so many lives and you will not be forgotten. Thoughts are with your family at this time.

I had the privilege to be taught by Mrs Evans from Year 9 to Year 11 (2013-2016). In lesson, she was always engaging, kind, funny and especially she was fair. Everyone respected her as she treated us all as young adults, and it was rare that she ever had to raise her voice. If she ever did, you knew the culprit was in trouble. Mrs Evans would always give up her time to help students, especially in stressful exam periods. The extra help she offered me during my GCSE exam period helped me achieve my target. Without this help, I certainly would not have passed. I know for a fact that she had a positive influence on so many lives, especially my own. Rest in peace Mrs Evans.

- Jack Grounds

 Mrs Evans was my maths teacher this year and after only knowing her for 9 months, I was already loving our maths lessons together. I was in her 7y1 class and she would always set us challenges but she was sure we could do them. She would always offer to help me whenever I had a tricky maths problem and was an absolute superb mathematician. I will miss our little games at the end of each lesson. She was positive that I would stay in set 1 for the rest of my time at this school and even predicted me a grade 9 in maths at GCSE after just a couple of months of knowing this amazing teacher. Not only a great teacher, a great mum, wife and friend. Whenever I have a tricky maths problem I will know that Mrs Evans would help me and I won’t be afraid to use my calculator!! I’m determined to get a grade 9 at GCSE now to prove her right. During lockdown, we had been emailing almost everyday and she would always change the answers if corbettmaths has done it wrong. It’s so weird to think that someone I was emailing just a couple of days ago is now.. gone. She would always sign off an email with, ‘Mrs E ' with a smiley face, I will now put a smiley face after any email I send to my teachers from now on for that reason. I may have only known her for a year but she was a selfless woman who would go out of her way and do anything for her students. I can’t imagine how hard it must be for students who have known her for years and her family and friends. My deepest condolences to her family, friends, pupils she taught, her form pupils and all the staff at SEA at this very sad, hard and unexpected time. x

- Hannah H 7W

I can’t believe the sad new of Mrs evens passing. She was the most kind and caring teacher and always made sure you were okay. My thoughts are with family and friends, you will be sadly missed RIP Mrs E xx

- Lexi Arkwright

I’m deeply sorry to have know Mrs Evans has passed away I remember when I was in school I used to see her around when I was in my maths lesson my thoughts go out to her family and friends rest in peace

- Cerys stockton

Rest in peace Mrs. Evans , gone too soon, sleep tight X

- Danielle Swinscoe

So sorry to hear the loss of one of our lovely teachers. Our thoughts and prayers are with her family and friends at this sad time.

- Ebony Kempster

My condolences go out to the family of Mrs Evan's. R.I.P Mrs Evans

- Scarlett Smith

Rest in peace Mrs Evans, such a lovely soul and always lightened up the room. Thoughts and prayers are with your family friends and the school community <3 xx

- Maisie wiseman

After receiving the Email yesterday we as a family would like to send all our love and prayers to Mrs Evans family and friends I've heard so much lovely things from my two boys who she taught Callum still attends Edmund Arrowsmith and he is saddened and shocked May you RIP love Catherine Fitzgerald, Connor and Callum Fitzgerald x

- Catherine Fitzgerald

Very sad to hear about Mrs Evans. Mrs Evans was my teacher in year 10, she was always asking how I was doing and would always offer help if I was struggling. My thoughts and prayers are with her family and the school on losing an excellent teacher.

- Isabella Eardley

I was a part of Mrs Evans' GCSE class. Mrs Evans was a truly incredible and inspiring teacher who managed to make maths one of my favourite subjects. She was incredibly caring and understanding and was always happy to help, whether it was within or outside of a lesson. She was happy to welcome anyone to her room and I know that I often came to complete unfinished assessments or to do any extra work. In lessons, she would laugh with us and make jokes and would always make a lesson fun to be in. Mrs Evans was one of my favourite teachers and I know she left a great impact on myself as well as everyone around her. I truly wish her family the best during this difficult time.

- Urszula Szczerba

So sorry to hear this very sad news about Mrs Evans. We will be thinking about her and her family, throughout this time and school staff and sending love to you all.

- William S 7M and his family

My heart goes out to Mrs Evan’s family. As a past pupil, I know many of my friends were fortunate enough to have been taught by her and spoke of the kindness and care she showed to all her pupils. She will be missed. 

- Katie Bolton

I left School in 2018 after spending 3 years of maths lessons and statistics lessons with Mrs Evans. She was one of the most down to earth and real people I have ever met and not only did she teach maths, but life lessons that I’ll keep with me forever. She made my high school experience a lot better just by being there. My condolences go to her family, she was truly a person that had my respect.

- Luke Bullough

Mrs Evans always had time for her students, no matter how busy she was. She supported me endlessly throughout my final 2 years and believed I could achieve the grades I did. She had a wonderful soul and will be greatly missed by all those who knew her.

- Rachele Wilkes

You will forever be in my prayers mrs Evans, I’ll never forget you and all the extra time you spend with me in school and all the effort you put into teaching me as an individual and teaching us as a class, you’ll never be forgotten you and your family are in my prayers

- Teghan Draper

As soon as you had your first ever lesson with Mrs Evans, you could tell how much of a genuine person she was. I still remember when England vs Wales was on in 2016, it was on whilst I had maths last lesson and without fail she had it on ready, still a nice memory I have of high school. My condolences to her family, sending love.

- Daniel Carr

First of all I would like to thank Mrs Evans for the help I got from her in Study Plus in Year 10 and Year 11. If it wasn't for her I wouldn't of passed Maths, what a great teacher she was. Actually gutted to hear this terrible news. What a lovely teacher she was. Condolences to her family, the school and the maths department. RIP xx

- Rohana Holt (2005-2010) form w

Rest in Peace Mrs Evans. Sending love and prayers to her family.

- Ryan Kershaw (Former Pupil)

Thank you for helping me throughout my school life before I left in 2015! Very sad to hear the news. Thoughts are with family and friends x

- Morgen Leigh

Heartfelt condolences to you all.Rest in peace Mrs Evans xx

- Mrs C Taylor, Lucas Y7, Ethan Y11 and Lydia ex pupil

Mrs Evans was a top class teacher and such a lovely person. Maths was my favourite subject and Mrs Evans is part of the reason why. I’m shocked and sad to hear the awful news. My thoughts are with all the family X Class of 08-13

- Natalie Downing

Mrs Evans was my first form tutor in year 7. 2012-2017. Absolutely amazing teacher and caring for all of her pupils. All condolences to her family and friends.

- Grace Siwiak

So very sad to hear of the passing of Mrs Evans. She was brilliant with Leo. He was his favourite teacher. Heartfelt sympathy and condolences for her family and her colleagues.

- Kate Furlong

Sending all of my love to Mrs Evan’s family. She is my biggest inspiration and the reason I pursued maths! Not only did she help me as a pupil, she took me in to volunteer and always wished me well! I feel truly privileged to be taught by the best as it says on the cup she still holds all her pens in! Thankyou for everything! Rest in peace xx

- Lydia Boffey

Mrs Evans, you taught me in your maths classes in the years of 2009-2013. You was far the best teacher I had and actually gave me the right learning to pass my GCSE. Maths had always been my weak subject but your lessons were fantastic. You was so easy to approach even if we had any issues. You will always remember in my memory as being one of the BEST teachers I ever did have. It was such a shock to learn about your passing but, I know you will be looking down on your loved ones every single day. Rest in peace, and my love to family, friends and colleagues 

- Charlotte Robinson

I am deeply saddened to hear about the passing of Mrs Evans. She was my form teacher throughout my time at St Edmund Arrowsmith. She was truly a wonderful teacher, so dedicated and showed so much care for her pupils. I have nothing but fond memories of my time in her class. My thoughts are with her family and friends during this time x

- Collette Melling

Mrs Evans was an amazing, caring and selfless teacher, she always supported and believed in me. She always made jokes in class and somehow made maths fun and enjoyable . It’s amazing how dedicated she was to her students as she always try and mark tests for us for the next lesson because she knew how anxious we were to find out our scores and we could go back any dinner time and she’d help us. Condolences to her family and may she rest in peace.

- Charlotte

I was never actually taught by Mrs Evans but when i would be helping out on taster days, induction days or just when I saw her up in the maths department when I'd go to catch up or if I needed help, I would always see her and I would always have a nice little chat with her and we would laugh and joke about. She was truly an incredible woman, an absolute pleasure to be around. Many thoughts and prayers out to everyone she was close with, especially her family and friends. Fly high Mrs Evans! May you rest in piece.

- John Donachie-Ashcroft

A wonderful teacher I was lucky enough to have been taught by during my time at St.Edmund Arrowsmith. My thoughts and prayers are with her family, friends, students and colleagues at this time x

- Sian Nathaniel

Mrs Evans was a lovely and kind teacher who was loved by everyone. Her lessons were always fun. Are thoughts and prayers go to her family, friends and Colleagues. Rest in peace Mrs Evans.

James C 9L and family

I never had her as my teacher but I was a maths mentor while I was in year 10 and she headed that. She was one of the nicest people I’ve ever met, she will be missed and I’m so sorry for everyone’s loss.

- Alexandra Lynch

We are so sad to hear this news. Josh loved having Mrs Evans for statistics and she really helped him to achieve his A grade. He said she was one of the best teachers he had who had a great relationship with her pupils. Sending much love to all her family.

- The Wilde family

Mrs Evans was a lovely teacher. She cared for her students and was always there when they needed her. She always had a smile on her face and lighted up a room when she walked in. Students loved her and so did I. My condolences go to the family and the teachers at St Edmund Arrowsmith.

- Charlotte Ayre-Seal


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