Welcome to our first Careers Blog!
Here is a outline of what has been happening during the Spring and Autumn Terms. Look out for the Summer one in July.
Year 9 Options Assembly Launch – Pupils listened to a presentation about the forthcoming options process and particular the support and activities that would take place to help them make those informed decisions about what to study at GCSE.
Year 9 Making Choices Workshops – Pupils participated in a careers lesson where they were introduced to information about the Local Labour Market. This enabled the pupils to explore the type of jobs available in relation to the subject choices and the qualifications needed to embark on a choice of career. Pupils were also introduced to our school website for different links to support them making choices which gives sound advice about subject choices and careers.
Year 9 Options Market Place – Very similar to the Careers Fair, pupils visited different stands (all departments/subjects represented). They had the opportunity to discuss with Y10 pupils the GCSE courses available and their own experiences, including core and option subjects. Pupils gained a greater understanding of the difference between core subjects and options subjects and began to consider how to make the right choices when selecting GCSE courses.
Year 9 Future Pathways Presentations - Students listened to three presentations about different pathways once they leave school. These presentations included A-Levels, T Levels and Apprenticeships. With this in mind, students began to focus on making well thought out decisions in relation to their strengths and aspirations. The presentations allowed them to gain a greater understanding of the routes available to them after they leave school.
Year 11 Career Interviews and Follow ups – To ensure that all Y11 pupils have offers of a place in education or training for September 2023. Liaison with local 6th form and FE Colleges as well as assistance from Careers Advisers for those looking for apprenticeships.
Year 10 Introduction to Pathways Post 16 Careers Workshops – Delivered by our School Careers Advisers, pupils learned about the routes available to them after they leave school and to learn how to make the right choices when selecting Post 16 courses. Pupils explored the type of qualifications available Post 16. These included A Levels, BTECS, T Levels, Apprenticeships and Traineeships.
Year 9 one-to-one Personal Careers Interview - Guidance for anyone struggling with option choices. A lunchtime drop has also been available to seek advice.
Upcoming events (Summer Term):
Year 7 Skills and Qualities Careers Workshops
Year 8 Raising Aspirations (Business Breakfasts)
Year 8 Broadening Horizons Careers Workshops
Year 10 Wigan and Leigh College Sampling Day
Year 10 Leeds University Open Day
Year 10 St John Rigby College Sampling Day
Year 10 CV and Personal Statement Workshops
Year 10 Careers Progress Questionnaire - pupils completed a questionnaire answering a series of questions in relation to their future career ideas and pathways after leaving St Edmund Arrowsmith.
Year 10, 11 and SEND/LAC Careers Fair – approximately 30 stands consisting of colleges, training and apprenticeship providers, and employers supported the event. Pupils attended for one hour and the parents of SEND/LAC pupils in Year 9, 10 and 11 were invited to attend at a quieter time to accompany their children. Y11 Parents were also invited after school, with a brilliant attendance of over 100 parents.
Year 11 Choosing Options Post 16 – pupils were given the opportunity to consider options available to them once they leave school. They watched a series of presentations about A Levels, BTECS/T-Levels and Apprenticeships.
Year 11 Parents have been notified of a list of college open evenings that are taking place this term. Pupils are actively encouraged to visit as many colleges as possible to make informed decisions and apply for at least two college places. Apprenticeship opportunities become available in February.
Year 11 one-to-one careers interviews – approximately 60 students left to interview. Minutes are taken in the meeting and emailed to pupils and their parents.
Year 11 College drop in assemblies – John Rigby College and Carmel to present to pupils about their colleges and the application process.
Year 11 to finalise their CVs and Personal Statements in preparation for college and apprenticeship applications and mock interview day.
Year 10 Careers Workplace Experience Launch – presentation to launch the task of completing a workplace experience. Deadline is July to complete.
Year 11 Interview Preparation – delivered by GM Higher Education focusing on how students can prepare themselves for their forthcoming mock interview.
Year 11 College drop in assemblies – Winstanley College, Wigan and Leigh College and St Helen’s College to present to pupils about their colleges and the application process.
Year 11 Guidance Evening – as part of the evening, careers and post 16 providers are on hand to speak to parents and pupils about their futures and answer any questions about choices and the application process.
Year Mock Interview Day – 40 volunteer interviewers from all sectors of our local business community give the Year 11 pupils the opportunity of a 30-minute practice interview. Interviews will take place in school.