End of year Blog from the Head Girl

Image of End of year Blog from the Head Girl

As the school year draws to a close, we find ourselves reflecting on the incredible journey we've all been on. This end-of-year blog is a celebration of our achievements, the challenges we've overcome, and the unforgettable moments we've shared. From the highs of our successes to the lessons…

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Welcome to our Y6 students - we are here to help you!

Image of Welcome to our Y6 students - we are here to help you!

What an amazing week it has been for the school, as we welcome the Y6 students for their induction days. It has been such a rewarding experience, as I lived vicariously through the little year 6s excited to join secondary, seeing my past self in each excited face! 

Induction days have been…

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Hello from the Head Girl, Mihaela

Image of Hello from the Head Girl, Mihaela

Hello, I am Mihaela Kirova, many of you might be aware I am the newly appointed Head Girl.

This is the first official school blog, and I am delighted to be writing it!

This week has been a stressful one, bursting at the seams with so many exciting events that have taken place including…

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Headteacher's Welcome to 2023-24

Image of Headteacher's Welcome to 2023-24

What a great start to the year! I have been so impressed with pupils' behaviour and the standard of their uniform since our return from the summer holidays. Many thanks for supporting us in our mission to provide the best possible education for your children, it is always greatly appreciated!

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"For I remember Easter morn, and life and love and peace are all new born."

Image of "For I remember Easter morn, and life and love and peace are all new born."

"For I remember Easter morn, and life and love and peace are all new born." — Alice Freeman Palmer

Our Easter celebrations in school have now come to a close and have served as wonderful reminders of the hope that Jesus’ resurrection gives to us.  Our students have taken part in celebration…

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Careers Blog Spring Term

Image of Careers Blog Spring Term


Welcome to our first Careers Blog! 

Here is a outline of what has been happening during the Spring and Autumn Terms.  Look out for the Summer one in July.


Year 9 Options Assembly Launch – Pupils listened to a presentation about the forthcoming…

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Where will we discover rest?

Image of Where will we discover rest?


Christmas is a fantastic time of the year, where we look forward to celebrating with each other, whilst being reminded through our daily Advent prayers of the importance for this celebration.  However, even though we are not yet even in the middle of Advent, advertisements have long been…

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Where does the time go??

Image of Where does the time go??

I can’t believe that we are in October already … what has happened to September? 

I am delighted to report that we have had an excellent start to the Autumn Term with all students returning to school, keen to start a new year of learning.  The attitude and behaviour of our students has been…

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Class of 2022, we salute you!

Image of Class of 2022, we salute you!

This is one of my favourite days in the whole school calendar, as we see the culmination of 5 years hard work in fabulous exam success.  We know the pupils don’t sleep much the night before they come to pick up their results, but when they collect their results, those nerves turn to relief and…

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Mr Dumican - Final Blog for 2021-22!

Image of Mr Dumican - Final Blog for 2021-22!

The end of this academic year is fast approaching, and I just wanted to extend a heart-felt ‘thank you’ for your ongoing support for all that we do here at ‘Eddies’ - and there is much to reflect on and be proud of!  

This year has been a particularly positive one in so many ways as we have…

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Goodbye and Good Luck to our Y11 students ...

Image of Goodbye and Good Luck to our Y11 students ...

It has been quite emotional in school this week as our Year 11 pupils had their last full day in school on Wednesday.  They have now started their ‘study leave’ and will only come into school for their GCSE examinations. 

At lunch time we held a Staff Vs Pupils football game on the all-weather…

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Thinking of Others ... Update

Following the theme of my most recent Headteacher’s Blog “Thinking of Others”, I would like to congratulate 2 Y9 students, Noah Greenhalgh and Jason Buckley who came to show me the fantastic pieces work that they had created on the theme of the Holocaust memorial.

Their class teacher, Mr Linton…

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