Following a very rigorous process, we are delighted to introduce to you our new Head Boy and Head Girl! We caught up with them earlier in the week, when the news was still sinking in, and asked them for their thoughts. As you can see by their responses below, they are extremely articulate young people who have thrown themselves wholeheartedly into all aspects of school life and fully deserve this accolade.
For me, being selected as Head Boy is a great privilege and I am delighted that I have got the role. I was extremely happy when I found out I was Head Boy and my family were too. Overall, I feel very proud to be able to represent such a great school next year and am looking forward to seeing what next year has in store for me.
Over the four years I have been at Eddies, I have enjoyed participating in school activities such as: playing in the school football team where I was lucky enough to be captain for three years; being a Maths Mentor for the past year; being Form Captain; and participating in form and subject assemblies. I think that all of these things, along with having a positive attitude to anything that school life throws at me, have contributed to me being appointed as Head Boy. Additionally, I feel that all of my teachers over my time at Eddies, have thoroughly supported and encouraged me, giving me the confidence to apply for this role. The actual selection process involved an initial application letter and group interview to be senior prefect, followed by a Head Boy interview with the SLT if you were successful. A vote amongst the year group and teachers was also taken to help decide who would be the Head Boy.
In the next year, I am looking forward to being Head Boy, working alongside the rest of the senior prefect team and acting as a good role model for all the pupils in the school but most importantly representing the school image in a positive light.
Nathan Williams, 10M
Four years ago, I came to St Edmund Arrowsmith feeling nervous, as is expected, and am grateful to the school for helping me to settle in so well and providing me with a comfortable environment to work and learn. I am delighted that I am able to say that I am the newest Head Girl at the school. This role is one that I have always aspired to be appointed to, so I feel truly privileged for the opportunity that I have been given. Not only do I believe that it is a fabulous chance for me to give something back to a school that has done so much for me, I believe that it is a role that will challenge me and encourage my own personal development.
Throughout my time at St Edmund Arrowsmith, I have been presented with lots of opportunities to get involved within the school community - all of which I believe fully benefitted me as it increased my enjoyment of school life over the years. I have got involved in a range of activities varying from sports, music/dance showcases, mentoring schemes, Duke of Edinburgh, the WAY programme and numerous assemblies. In particular, the sports teams have been a big part of my life at school. Being part of teams such as volleyball, netball, rounders etc., has improved my teamwork skills and resulted in me taking part in numerous competitions where ultimately, we have been able to bring back rewards and also gain personal achievements. I think that the combination of the outstanding extra-curricular activities and enthusiastic members of staff, have provided us with the support and encouragement that we needed to fulfil our potential over the past four years.
In the upcoming year, I intend to be a positive role model for the younger pupils. I will devote my time to getting involved more and maintaining the welcoming environment that is present within our school. I know that Y11 will bring many personal obstacles along the way, but I am excited to be challenged to overcome any difficulties that I may face. I look forward to working closely with the committed members of the Senior Leadership Team in order to continue making sure that the well-being and happiness of the pupils are our main priority. I hope to fulfil the high standards set by the previous head girls and I have the intention of being a positive, enthusiastic leader in my final year at St Edmund Arrowsmith Catholic High School.
Amelia Costello, 10O