Year 7 Catch up Report 2018-19
In 2018/19, St Edmund Arrowsmith CHS was allocated funding as part of the Year 7 Literacy & Numeracy Catch Up Premium. This catch-up funding provides an additional support for every student who has not achieved the ‘expected’ standard nationally in reading and/or maths at KS2. This funding aims to provide additional support and/or intervention necessary to help these students ‘catch up’ with their peers in relation to progress, during Year 7 at the school.
The objectives of the funding are:
- To close the attainment gap by providing intensive literacy and numeracy support to students entitled to catch up Premium
- To raise self-esteem and aspirations of students entitled to Catch up Premium
- To enhance existing provision
- To identify concerns and target intervention and support to accelerate progress
- To ensure that parents are informed and involved where appropriate.
We believe that all students should be provided with the best chance to achieve good outcomes by the end of Year 11, therefore the intervention provided with this funding is one element of our school wide intervention provision.
The 19/20 report will be published soon.